Activate Your Power, Sky Rocket Your Confidence, & Magnetize Abundance!


If you're ready to be Seen & Unstoppable and make great money on your terms, doing what you love, then this transformational 2-day Masterclass is for you!

Ready to finally give that TED talk, or write that best selling book and become the industry leader you know you are?

I show high-level leaders & executives how to turn their experience & story into impact and income while stepping into their power to become highly paid speakers, authors, & coaches.

I was once a corporate leader and I loved it. Until it was no longer aligned and my soul was calling me for more.

I had no idea how to turn my experience, purpose and passions into a 7 figure brand. But I knew it was my calling to figure it out.

💫 My TEDx talk has reached over 3.1 million people!

💫 My company has made millions!

💫 My books and brand has reached tens of thousands!

💫 I attract high-level dream clients often & regularly!

And it’s part of my mission to empower other purpose driven high achieves to create the Aligned Success their soul is calling for!

My work isn’t for people still playing small or hiding.

It’s for those who dare to dream and know that they are meant to elevate the world with their unique gifts and stories.

Inside of this Masterclass you will:

Bust through the fears that are blocking you from being seen by soulmate clients!

Activate a frequency that will create success no matter what!
Know how to build a business in alignment with your gifts so you’re absolutely in love with your work and get paid for your genius!

Here's just some of the results Suzanne's clients have celebrated...

Once she said yes, she landed and delivered a TEDx talk at a turbocharged speed! (Go Wen go!)
Tanya hosted workshops to over 70 hearts and souls creating an amazing ripple effect! 

- Dr. Tanya.
Now I cannot wait to get on stage. 

I feel like I have full body chills at the thought process of being able to step on stage, deliver my message and help others in the process.”
- Cindy R.
Suzanne has this way of just pulling that story out of you and help you personally create magic on stage."

- Tiffany P.
Meet Suzanne Adams
As a seasoned speaker who has taken the mic on NBC, The CW, and Fox—as well as on stages ranging from TEDx, Mindvalley, The American Heart Association, Lulu Lemon, and many more—Suzanne Adams is creating a powerful ripple of inspiration and positivity.

In addition to being a sought after speaker, Suzanne is a bestselling author, transformational coach and strategist. She has impacted millions through her speaking, books, events and programs across the globe.

Suzanne is a thought leader in the field of personal development, manifesting and leadership and is on a mission to help you reach your highest potential and attract your dreams!
©2024 Suzanne Adams Inc.
All Rights Reserved