An expansive and transformative 4-day coaching container where we’ll quick start your frequency to that of a Million Dollar Speaker!

And teach you how to Monetize Your Story and attract DREAM clients through your power of your voice and story!! 

Imagine not just building a million dollar brand through your speaking, but creating a massive positive impact that creates a ripple effect of making the world a more high-vibrational place, all while overflowing with fulfillment through serving others!!

Inside of The Million Dollar Speaker Accelerator we're going to create a pathway to Monetize Your Story so you can magnetize high-level clients easily & quickly that will get results from your unique wisdom and are excited to pay you!

This Coaching Container will take place LIVE in a private Telegram Channel August 5th - 8th

Here's What You Receive:

🎤 Ignite your vision with your personalized Million Dollar Speaker Questionnaire, which Suzanne will personally review and use to guide the teachings she shares inside of the Accelerator.  

🎤 A close proximity experience where you will tap into a decade of Suzanne's wisdom, expertise, and proven results channeled inside an immersive container that blends teaching & individualized coaching.

🎤 Opportunities for Hot Seat Coaching where Suzanne will intuitively guide you through monetizing your story and attracting DREAM clients into your offers, events, & programs!

🎤 Connect with other high-vibe leaders who are on a similar journey and raise the frequency of possibility together more quickly!

🎤 Lifetime access to the Accelerator portal inside of Telegram and all of the coaching and wisdom that's distilled is available to listen to on repeat when it supports you most!

Total Value: Priceless
Regular Price: $555

One Time Payment of $333

“We all have a story to tell and through Suzanne she will pull things out of you that you never knew existed and empower you to shine and be who you were put on this Earth to be.”
-Jessica S.

“Speaking on stage has been the biggest dream come true and I'm so excited to catapult my own message and mission this way!”
- Cindy R.

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By completing your order, you acknowledge that you've read and agree to adhere to these terms and conditions. There are no refunds. 

Email with any questions.

Results Like These Happen All the Time When You Know How To Magnetize High-level Clients That Are Excited to Pay You!

©2024 Suzanne Adams Inc.
All Rights Reserved